My name is Jenn Williamson and I am cross-cultural worker dedicated to church planting and leadership development. I am married to the greatest guy I’ve ever known and I am the mom of two awesome boys who are about to leave the nest.

I work in a young church plant in France, helping to equip church members for all types of service. Whether training Sunday school teachers, resourcing counsel members, or encouraging budding preachers, I love the ministry of the local church! I also work in a regional church planting training center, teaching and coaching future church planters. On the national level, I am helping to identify and train mentors for emerging Christian leaders.

Please pray for me to stay close to the Father, fully submitted to his plans. Pray that I would have a servant’s heart, an ever-growing love for the lost, and an abiding gratitude for God’s work in my life. Pray that I would do all things by his strength and for his glory.


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